Dear Fellow Lions,
Lions Education Foundation (LEF) had extended its helping hand to many students in need for many years since it started. This brilliant idea had been initiated by GLT Area Leader Past Council Chairperson Dato’ Yeow Wah Chin who was the District Governor of District 308 B1 Malaysia in the year 2010. With the power of Lions, we successfully raised more than 1 million Ringgit Malaysia within 6 months period.
Over the past few years, this Foundation had been visited by many Past International Presidents and had been well recognised not only by our local Lions community but also public. This outstanding Lions service not only had enhanced our service impact but also reshape public opinion towards what our association and our Lions family is doing.
I feel honoured to be able to join you as the second year International Director at this auspicious moment as we begin our second century of humanitarian service. In this new century, we’re striving for even more – more service, more innovation, more men and women united by kindness and serving their communities as Lions. We aim to impact 200 million lives through the service with 1.7 million Lion and Leo members and provide learning opportunities to 500,000 members by the year 2020. In this fiscal year, we aims to be better and serve beyond the horizon, just like our International President Gudrun’s theme for 2018-2019.
With your exemplary leadership in Lionism, no doubt you will achieve our movement missions. Your accomplishments will inspire those around you and honour the Association’s motto “We Serve”. Once again, I look forward to work with you as we are not only the LARGEST service organization in the world – WE ARE THE BEST. Have a successful, exciting and fulfilling Lionistic year ahead.
Datuk Dr. Naga
Past International Director 2017-2019