DG Message

Education is an important issue in one’s life. It is the key to success in the future and to have many opportunities in our life. And Lions are taking their BOLD Step to form the education funds as its A Needs.

Lions Education Foundation – The “Learn” Funds, with its main objective in aid of the students from the poor families an opportunity to further their studies with the local universities or institutions of higher learning.

Since inception in year 2011, Lions Education Foundation (LEF) have raised leaps and bounds to help the poor families to finance their children education who did not obtained outstanding results but have just obtained average results in the SPM or STPM or its equivalent to further their studies. 

I am extremely happy and grateful that LEF have given hope to these students and the opportunity for them to continue their studies, make a difference in their lives and thus fulfilling their dream come true.

I Strongly encourage all Clubs to come forward to support LEF in their effort to reach out to the needy students by contributing to the financial needs of LEF by initiating funds raising in support of LEF or to go to the grassroot to identify the students that need financial help. Lions can recommend and help the students to submit their application forms to LEF regardless of race or religion, making sure they are from poor families having financial difficulties to support their children education needs.  

Our district will give it full support to ensure LEF benefits as many students as possible in line with our District Vision and Goals. With enthusiasm and exemplary leadership of LEF Team, LEF will continue to reach greater heights and make the impossible POSSIBLE. 

Once again have a successful and a blessed year ahead. 


Unity For Sustainable Community

Cassie Lim
District Governor 2024-2025
Multiple District 308 B1